Why NOT launch this new blog with a giveaway? I'm already excited about the three new kiddos, or families of kiddos, who will get a glimpse into the world of Romanos the Melodist.
You see, Saint Roman is not really an everyday name. And yet?
He is so awesome! Just look at him running down the streets of Constantinople like a capital S Superhero...
I wrote Sweet Song to expose people to this amazing person of the past, whose life was defined by humility, prayer, grace, and an incredible miracle that changed the course of his life. It changed the course of our lives too...
Beauty always benefits everyone.
Check out one of the hymns he wrote, that is still sung (movingly, by Pat Tsagalakis) in churches today.
And take a virtual tour of the Hagia Sophia, one of the two churches where Saint Romanos served as a deacon way back in the 500's.
I've always wanted to travel to Turkey, especially after spending a year with several Turk students who exuded joy and broke out in song at the most random times! Having never been there, I was studying the geography recently of the ancient city of Constantinople--now Istanbul--which is divided by the Bosphorus Strait. This body of water is the only link between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, so you can imagine the politics, war, and intrigue that have surrounded that place for centuries. Istanbul is unique, with its Asian side, and European side. I do hope to visit someday.
The feast day of Saint Romanos is right around the corner. On October 1st!
If you'd like to enter the giveaway, simply subscribe to my new blog (!!!), and then enter a comment on this post. I'll be choosing the three winners this Sunday, just in time to mail the books and have them to you before October 1. You can learn a bit more about Sweet Song, the illustrator, and its making, here.
This giveaway is for anyone, anywhere, but if you live abroad, the book may not make it to you by his feast day, since I'll be sending it to you by bicycle :)
Cheers, friends!
Published: September 17, 2014 | Filed under: Books
What a great way to launch!
We already own a copy but I would love to win one to share with one of my godchildren! It is a beautiful book!
Looking forward to when Grace moves past board books to these amazing stories!
I would love to win this!!! I have god children and the Munckin I watched this summer for a bit LOVED this book!!! Elizabeth
I would love to win this book to share with my twin girls.
Oh I would so love to win this for my daughter! She just made the children's chorus in our area...yay! This would be perfect!
Ooooooh, I would love a copy! My littles would love to hear his story.
I look forward to sharing the story of St. Romanos with my little one...he loves the Church and he loves music. "capital S Superhero"
I;ve got three kids in mind, with whom to share St.Romanos.
Jane, thank you for directing our hearts - and our children's hearts - into the "great cloud of witnesses" (Hebrews 12), men & women whose walk of faith inspires our own devotion toward Christ Jesus. May we be like them, in some small way. Reflecting the Lord's glory. Love you!!!
It is with pleasure to support the Orthodox nourishment of our children! Thank you
Sounds fascinating! The illustrations look beautiful!
My 6-yr-old (youngest of 3) "sees" the world through music. He loves to pretend he's a priest and turns almost every thought into a song. I would love to share your book with him. Looking forward to your blog!
We love your books!!! Would so love to win this!!!
It looks beautiful. Looking forward to reading it to my kids one way or another!
Thanks, everyone, for your kind words about the book. I know you can't all win, but somehow I hope you all do! Kim, twin girls! Yay, I love twins. Therese, my two older children sang in children's choruses from the age of five until they became --not children anymore! I would always take volunteer jobs at the chorus just so I could be around them as they practice and make such glorious music... They both still sing in choirs and have a huge love for choral music. Laurie, I would love to spend an afternoon just watching your six-year-old play. He and St Romanos are probably gonna be buddies. Blessings, y'all!
I am another who loves your books, I dearly hope to win! Plus, I've been Presvytera Pat :)
looks awesome.
Beautiful! Can't wait to see and read more.
This would be a fun book to share with the Orthodox children's choir we're hoping to start this fall.
Already have a copy so not entering. I just wanted to let you know I love the book, and "The Life of Saint Brigid." I'm going to have to buy "The Hidden Garden" soon.
Your new book looks great, cant wait to see it! God Bless you and your work that inspires us and brings us closer to Christ!
We've already got one, but I've got lots of goddaughters!
This is awesome!! Alice really enjoys all of your books. I'm teaching Sunday School this year and would really like to be the first to introduce this book to the kiddo's!!
Jane, Yeah!!!!! A new blog. We love you and Sweet Song is such a beautiful book, as Anna got it for a Christmas gift. (It's our favorite Christmas hymn!). Marina would love to have her own copy. Love to all of you and keep up the beautiful work. Yours truly, Kh. T
Great way to launch the blog! My daughter and I would love a copy!
I would LOVE to win this book! We love your books! My four girls have recently been intrigued by the new icon of Saint Romanos in the choir loft of our parish! They would love to hear his story....and so would mom and dad! :)
I lived just a train ride (24 hour) away from Istanbul for a long time, but never made it. I do regret that. Another time. I look forward to reading this book.
Looks like a nice book.
I love your layout for your new blog! Didn't know about this book somehow! I can't wait to read it to the kids :)
I would love this for my little ones. Thank you and God bless!
I was just thinking today that I would love to have your book before St. Romanos' s feast day because my baby is named after St. Romanos!
your work is a blessing to many! Thank you for sharing your talent with us!
The book looks beautiful! Looking forward to following you on your blog.
Got this book for my godson, who comes from a musical family. But I had the chance to read it before giving it to him. what a lovely, ancient story about a wonderful saint. Thank you!
I love your new blog!! I have missed your blog posts so much. I hope I may one of the lucky ones to win!!!
It's such a lovely book!
Oct 1st is also one of our parish feast days, Protection of the Holy Virgin. I've only heard of St. Romanos because we have a fresco of him on a pillar overlooking the choir. :-)
Very nice looking new blog. Thank you for adding another book to the growing books about our faith for kids. Looks beautiful!
May God keep inspiring you to inspire others!;). Congrats!
Would so like to win this for a friend's grandson who needs to be inspired.
I love your books. Would love to give this one to my grandchildren who both love to read and sing. It would be great to read to the children at church who are starting to learn the music for services. Of course I would have to read it first :)
so glad you've started blogging again!
Congratulations on your new blog! Your books are lovely and much needed in our churches and families. I love the story of St. Romanos and would love to win to share with the children. :)
JANE sweet JANE!! GLORY TO GOD!! THIS LOOKS SOOOOOO AMAZING and like SUCH A HUGE BLESSING!! Thank you for your tireless, selfless, faithful, LOVING EFFORTS to bring the lives yet another Saint into the hearts of OUR CHILDREN AND US!! You are such a treasure and blessing to all of us and our holy Orthodox Faith. Can hardly wait to read at the book, AND to celebrate his holy memory on OCTOBER 1 !!! MUCH MUCH love in XC, georgia ;)
I would love to give Sweet Song to my grandson, Aiden. And I LOVE that one of the icons that appears when one hovers over your menu above is a pomegranate. What a lovely and unique site!
I love that book! I love all of your books! I already own a copy, but if I win I know just the family who would adore a copy of it as well. Thank you for the opportunity.
Blessed beginnings for your new blog. We have all your books and we can't wait to add "sweet song" to our collection. May St. Romanos intercede for you and your family always!
Will enjoy your blog. Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks!
Would so love to add this to our library.
This looks simply stunning!
I would love to read this to my grandchildren.
Your book about St. Romanos looks wonderful - I can't wait to actually read it & check out more of your blog!
The book looks beautiful. May it bless many children.
Would love to win a copy to use with my new primary school Orthodox RE class in Belfast Northern Ireland :-) Congratulations on another wonderful creation! Love and God bless you! xxx Johanna
would love to read this to our Church School children!
I keep an icon of St. Romanos on our piano. I know only some of his story and would love to know more. Looking forward to reading another of your books to our grandchildren. Blessings to you as you launch this new blog.
Thank you for the chance to win this book for my kiddos!
The book looks beautiful!
Your book looks wonderful. I would love to share it with my grandkids...after I read it first of course. Have missed you and just thinking about you the other day..wonderful to have you back.
Can't wait to read this! Looks great.
Would love to share the book with church school and grandkids.
My daughter's children show great musical talent and keep an icon of St. Romanos in their prayer corner. How wonderful it will be to have a copy of this book to read to my younger grandchildren so that they can know more about this amazing saint!
Hi, Everyone: The comments are closed. The three winners (chosen by random number generator) are: Therese Oh I would so love to win this for my daughter! She just made the children's chorus in our area...yay! This would be perfect!, Janet S Would so like to win this for a friend's grandson who needs to be inspired. Kh Leslee would love to read this to our Church School children!! Congratulations!
You know the kids and I love your books! Looking forward to reading yet another beautiful story by my sweet friend Jane Meyer.
Even though you already chose winners, I just wanted to say congrats on the new blog launch! I love sharing your books with our kids, godchildren and parish children! Thank you!