September 15, 2015


Fourth Grade

Fourth Grade means so many new things for our family.

My husband has taken a new job. If you can believe it--he is a Sometimes Commuter between Santa Barbara and Seattle.

My oldest son is getting his first working experience post college.

My daughter moved to USC, and is singing her ginormous heart out.

And the little one and I are embarking on fourth grade together--no private schools, no public schools--just the two of us setting our sights on lots of adventure and learning.

Despite all the swirling in circles because of these changes, and the recent heat that had me contemplating a move to Finland, I am crazy-excited, feeling awfully blessed, to be a fourth grader again!

In case you're wondering what homeschooling looks like in our house, right now. Here goes:

8-9:30: Morning prayers; Life of Fred; Gospel reading; cursive 

10-11: Drumming; sketchbook; then science notes, editing, foot races with the dog, or updating book logs

11:10-noon: The Hobbit; vocabulary.

After lunch: Independent reading, free time (Minecraft--my archenemy), and off to the beach, or the natural history museum, or the library, or to a coffee shop... (And that's when I get my work done...)

Fridays: After math, etc... we do science, or take field trips. Right now we're exploring making our own yellow natural dyes and paints during the month of September.

Things will change as the year progresses. We will add subjects, and subtract subjects, except for reading, writing, math, and running mad dashes around the yard with the dog. Those few never change.

Hope your start to the 2015/2016 school year is going swell. 

Cheers, Friends!



Published: September 15, 2015 | Filed under: Home

Comments (4)
Kh. Tammy said:
September 15, 2015 @ 7:30 PM

Oh Jane! This is so beautiful to me....John Ronan looks so happy and to do all of those wonderful things with mom must be a beautiful big adjustment for everyone. I'm also being a 4th grader again with my daughter in a different sort of way. Thank you for sharing, you are truly an inspiration! When will we get to see each other? God - willing in the near future. Love, Kh. T

jane g meyer replied:
September 18, 2015 @ 8:00 AM

Yes, Tammy! Hopefully we will bump into each other soon. All the best to you and your beautiful family...

Karen said:
September 17, 2015 @ 9:05 AM

Wow! So many exciting changes for your family. Sounds like an amazing year full of adventures is unfolding, and I do hope you'll let us all follow along. Bailey leaves for Evergreen on Saturday, and I find myself in a very reflective mood lately. The years we home schooled hold such a sweet space in my heart and I'm super excited, and maybe slightly jealous, for the year you are going to have with John Ronan. Enjoy!

jane g meyer said:
September 18, 2015 @ 8:03 AM

Karen! All the best to all of you, and I'm so excited for Bailey... I hope we can share some tea together soon and talk about these many seasons of life that we go through....

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